how quickly time slips away! i have always heard people talking about how fast time goes by, but until i became a parent, that statement was never fully appreciated. my baby girl has gone from this:
to this:
last night tyson and i were playing with ella on our bed tickling her and listening to her laugh. we were both amazed at how much joy this little person has brought to our lives. she reminded me of the love our heavenly Father has for us. ella has nothing to offer, she can do nothing for herself, we do everything for her and yet her glowing smile and sweet laughter, which lights up her entire face, brings us so much joy. how much more He has done for us and all He wants from us is to love Him and reflect His glory to others. what is the chief end of man? man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
thank you ella for teaching me such a simple yet profound truth. happy 1/2 birthday, your daddy and i love you so very much and pray that you would love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and that you would never know a day without Him. you are His not ours, but we sure are glad that He is letting us enjoy you!
all my love,
awe, happy 1/2 bd Ella! Love ya'll and can't wait to see you again:)